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dc.contributor.authorKarafi, Lalla Meriem-
dc.description.abstractThis study focuses on the rehabilitation of a Foggara, a traditional irrigation system essential for the ksar, using a methodological approach that combines fieldwork and documentary research. The study identifies the main causes of degradation, including socio-economic factors, and proposes sustainable solutions. The analysis reveals that lime is the most suitable material for rehabilitation while emphasizing the urgent need for protective measures and sustainable water management. The study highlights the importance of preserving this hydraulic heritage in the face of modern threats and calls for increased awareness among local communities.en_US
dc.subjectFoggara, Rehabilitation, Resizing, Reconstruction.en_US
dc.titleUne approche sur l'aménagement des Foggaras cas de la Foggara d'Anhilen_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Ouvrages Hydrotechniques

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