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Title: Aménagement des oueds Alyem et Aouaoudja pour la protection de la ville de Beni Slimane Sud (w. de Médéa) contre les inondations
Authors: Doulache, Lamisse
Keywords: Medea, Alyem rivers, Aouaoudja rivers, simulations using the HEC-RAS software, HEC-RAS software.
Issue Date: 2024
Series/Report no.: 5-0021-24;
Abstract: Our study focuses on flood protection in the city of Beni Slimane, located in the wilaya of Medea, which is regularly threatened by floods from the "Alyem" and "Aouaoudja" rivers. These events pose a significant risk to the local population, necessitating the implementation of a watercourse management system. To achieve this, we integrated several disciplines. First, an in-depth hydrological study was conducted to analyze precipitation and quantify flood flows. Then, a topographical and hydraulic analysis, combined with simulations using the HEC-RAS software, was carried out to model the flows and propose appropriate solutions.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2071
Appears in Collections:Conception des Ouvrages Hydrotechniques

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