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dc.contributor.authorSaighi, Ahemd Firas-
dc.description.abstractThe primary goal of this project is to establish the required dimensions for a hydraulic system aimed at protecting the downstream region of the Beni Azza River from centennial floods, which pose a risk to the cities of Blida and Diar El Bahri. This study seeks to safeguard both property and residents. The project follows a series of essential steps. Initially, the study area was introduced. Next, a hydrological analysis was conducted to evaluate precipitation patterns and estimate flow rates. A detailed hydraulic study was then performed using HEC-RAS software to identify flood-prone areas and assess flood risks. Several development options were proposed, with one variant ultimately selected for further detailed analysis. The optimal solution was found to be a mixed approach combining concrete and gabion for the development of the hydraulic system.en_US
dc.subjectHydraulic system, flood protection, centennial floods, HEC-RASen_US
dc.titleAmenagement hydraulique de l'Oeud Beni Azzapour la protection de la ville de blida et Diar El Bahri contre les Inondations (w. Blida)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Ouvrages Hydrotechniques

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