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Title: Etude d'aménagement de oued Reghaia et ses affluents pour la protection contre les inondations des communes de Reghaia et Ouled Hedjaj (w. Alger
Authors: Ben Sidi Ahmed, L'hachimi
Keywords: Inondations (contre), Protection, Aménagement (Etude), Oued Reghaia, Ouled Hedjaj, Alger
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: The city of Reghaia, and surrounding towns are crossed by Oued Reghaia which is the main watercourse of the study area but also by other tributaries ranging from medium to high importance. These rivers are the source of flooding caused by heavy precipitation. The purpose of our study is the estimation of the flood hydrograph with the SCS- CN method using the HEC-HMS tool; for each reach and the study of the response of natural watercourses to identify issues and areas at risk by developing the flood vulnerability map on the study area using a combination between the two programs AutoCAD Civil 3D and HECRAS, in order to consider control facilities against flooding.
Description: MFE
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2044
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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