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Title: Dimensionnement de la chaine de pretraitement de la station de dessalement Magtaa wilaya d'Oran
Authors: Grine, Mohammed Noureddine
Keywords: Desalination plant ; Pretreatment ; Reverse osmosis ; Membrane fouling
Issue Date: 2024
Series/Report no.: 3-0032-24;
Abstract: Algeria is one of the countries facing a freshwater shortage for many years. In this context, water desalination has become an essential solution to meet the growing water needs. This thesis focuses on the design of the pretreatment system for the Magtaa desalination plant, located in the Wilaya of Oran. Pretreatment plays a crucial role in the desalination process as it prepares the raw seawater before it enters the reverse osmosis stage. It helps to improve water quality and protect the filtration membranes, thus reducing the risk of fouling and extending the lifespan of the equipment. Finally, the study emphasizes the importance of maintaining an optimal pretreatment system to ensure the production of potable water that meets international quality standards.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2043
Appears in Collections:Réutilisation des eaux non conventionnelles

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