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dc.contributor.authorDjaider, Meriem-
dc.description.abstractBecause of water crisis in Algeria, it is crucial to find new sources of water to meet agricultural needs. This dissertation examines the performance of the Akbou water treatment plant, located in the wilaya of Béjaïa, to assess whether the treated water can be used for irrigation. The study focuses on the plant’s capacity to treat wastewater in order to preserve the natural environment, in particular the receiving wadi, and to protect public health. Against a backdrop of urban overpopulation and increasing pollution, this initiative also aims to promote the use of treated water for irrigation, providing a sustainable solution to the water needs of the agricultural sector.en_US
dc.subjectWastewater treatment plant ; Wastewater reuse ; Water crisisen_US
dc.titleEtude des performances épuratoires de la STEP de Akbou (wilaya de Bejaia) en vue de la réutilisation de l'eau épurée à des fins agricolesen_US
Appears in Collections:Réutilisation des eaux non conventionnelles

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