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dc.contributor.authorMelab, Yamina-
dc.contributor.authorMelab, Yamina-
dc.description.abstractFresh water is rare in Algeria, especially in Ouargla region where groundwater is very salty. Demining facilities have been installed to generate drinking water; however, the waste from these processes can harm the environment. This study aims to examine this liquid waste (brines) from reverse osmosis to reduce the environmental impact of the IFRI demineralization station. The results obtained by focusing on date palm cultivation showed that the release rate of brine would be adequate to meet the water needs of this crop, after backfilling to prevent the accumulation of salts on the roots and a retention pond to store water before it is released. This offers interesting opportunities to reuse the discharges from demineralization stations, which makes it possible to reduce their ecological footprint.en_US
dc.subjectBrine ; Demineralization ; Reverse osmosis ; Waste water reuseen_US
dc.titleEtude de possibilite de reutilisation des eaux de rejet de la station ifri de la wilaya de Ouarglaen_US
dc.titleEtude de possibilite de reutilisation des eaux de rejet de la station ifri de la wilaya de Ouarglaen_US
Appears in Collections:Réutilisation des eaux non conventionnelles

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