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dc.contributor.authorBanouri, Ayoub-
dc.description.abstractWater desalination in Algeria represents a crucial strategic approach, particularly for arid and desert regions where traditional water resources are limited. This technology proves to be an essential solution to address the water deficit affecting Tindouf and several other Algerian cities. In this context, our study aims to dimension the expansion of the brackish water demineralization plant in Tindouf, which uses reverse osmosis technology. The main objective is to design an expansion capable of bridging the current water deficit, thus ensuring an adequate supply to meet the growing needs of the population.en_US
dc.subjectTindouf ; Brackish water ; Demineralization ; Reverse osmosisen_US
dc.titleExtension de la station de demineralisation d'eau saumatre (w. Tindouf)en_US
Appears in Collections:Réutilisation des eaux non conventionnelles

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