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dc.contributor.authorMameri, Lilia-
dc.description.abstractAlgeria is facing a severe water scarcity. To address this issue, artificial groundwater recharge is being considered. The Mitidja aquifer, the primary water resource for Algiers, is particularly vulnerable. A study has evaluated the possibility of replenishing it with treated wastewater from the Baraki wastewater treatment plant. A detailed analysis of the Baraki plant has revealed shortcomings in the primary treatment stage. While tertiary treatment is in place, it is insufficient to eliminate all pollutants. To ensure the quality of water destined for the aquifer, the study proposes improving the treatment at Baraki by strengthening coagulation-flocculation and adding an activated carbon filteren_US
dc.subjectGroundwater ; Artificial recharge ; Water treatment ; Mitidja ; Baraki STEP ; treated water ; Coagulation ; Flocculation ; activated charbon ; Waste water.en_US
dc.titleEtude des performances épuratoires des différents traitements de la STEP de BARAKI en vue d'une recharge artificielle de la nappeen_US
Appears in Collections:Réutilisation des eaux non conventionnelles

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