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dc.contributor.authorBerrachiche, Mohamed-
dc.description.abstractThe commune of Beni Haoua has a seawater desalination plant which was completed in 2016. This station provides the commune of Beni Haoua with a production value of up to 5,000 cubic meters per day, knowing that the output of the station is currently lower than the nominal production value. in this memory, we designed the station with the aim of expanding it to increase production in order to supply neighboring municipalities with drinking water. During this memory, we described the study area, then we presented a brief overview of the desalination plant in Beni Haoua, then we briefly discussed information about water and the different desalination methods of the sea water. After that, we started to design the station after calculating the water needs of each municipality in the Beni Haoua daïra. After completing the design process, we addressed the health and safety element necessary for the safety of workers inside the station. Finally, we concluded the memory with a brief conclusion in which we mentioned the most important results and commented on them.en_US
dc.subjectSeawater desalination ; Expanding ; Station ; Water needs ; Beni Haoua ; Neighboring municipalies ; Designen_US
dc.titleExtension de la station de dessalement d'eau de mer de Beni-Haoua wilaya de Chlef par l'osmose inverseen_US
Appears in Collections:Réutilisation des eaux non conventionnelles

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