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dc.contributor.authorYahiaoui, Syrine-
dc.description.abstractThis thesis presents an experimental study on the tertiary treatment of wastewater at the Beni Mered Treatment Plant. The primary aim is the integration of a sand filter to enhance the quality of treated water, particularly for reuse in irrigation. The study provides a detailed analysis of the treatment steps at the plant and experimental tests on the performance of the proposed sand filter. Results demonstrate a significant improvement in water quality parameters, with notable reductions in turbidity, suspended solids, and COD after filtrationen_US
dc.subjectTertiary treatment ; Sand filter ; Water reuse ; Wastewater treatment plant ; Water quality.en_US
dc.titleTraitement tertiaire des eaux usees de la STEP de Beni Mered etude experimentaleen_US
Appears in Collections:Réutilisation des eaux non conventionnelles

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