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dc.contributor.authorAllali, Sara-
dc.description.abstractReverse osmosis desalination is a key solution to mitigate the water shortage in Algeria, but it remains an energy-intensive method with a conversion rate generally below 40%. This work aims to enhance the performance of the El Marsa desalination plant, which currently has a capacity of 60,000 m³/day, by increasing the conversion rate to 55% through a second stage of reverse osmosis. The existing unit was dimensioned, followed by the new double-stage configuration. An innovative technique, the Bi-turbo method, was implemented to optimize the plant's electrical consumption by improving energy recovery. Finally, a comparative analysis of the two configurations was conducted, with a focus on reducing energy costs.en_US
dc.subjectReverse osmosis ; Second-stage ; Electrical energyen_US
dc.titleEtude et dimensionnement du deuxième étage de l'osmose inverse de la station de dessalement d'El Marsa wilaya d'Algeren_US
Appears in Collections:Réutilisation des eaux non conventionnelles

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