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dc.description.abstractFreshwater scarcity is becoming a significant challenge for Algeria, a country facing an arid climate and high population growth. To meet this demand, the country is turning to seawater desalination, exemplified by the Cap Blanc plant under construction. While desalination produces drinking water, post-treatment is crucial to ensure its optimal quality for human consumption. This thesis focuses on tdesigning the post-treatment at Cap Blanc, targeting three key aspects: remineralization process selection, equipment sizing, and maintenance. The thesis proposes a calcite bed remineralization technique utilizing 100% of the permeate produced.ensuring Efficiency, Sustainability and performanceen_US
dc.subjectPost-treatment , Remineralization process , Optimizing post-treatmenten_US
dc.titleDimensionnement de la chaine de post-traitement de la station de dessalement de Cap-blanc wilaya d'Oranen_US
Appears in Collections:Réutilisation des eaux non conventionnelles

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