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Title: Dimensionnement du deuxieme etage de la station de dessalement par osmose inverse Sonachter Mostaganem
Authors: Messaoud, Abir
Keywords: Station de dessalement ; osmose inverse ; Sonachter ; Mostaganem
Issue Date: 2024
Series/Report no.: 3-0018-24;
Abstract: Desalination of seawater is a promising solution to the water shortage that has been occurring as populations grow. Although the territory has huge water reserves, only a small portion can be reached as fresh water. The situation is particularly critical in some regions, such as the Mediterranean, where the need for desalinated water is increasing significantly. In Algeria, desalination has become a priority, with an ambitious program to build desalination plants, most of which use reverse osmosis technology. The main objective is to monitor and optimize the operation of the CHELLIF plant, identify potential anomalies and propose improvements to maximize drinking water efficiency. This analysis aims to contribute to the efficient management of water resources and improvement of desalination infrastructure in Algeria.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2027
Appears in Collections:Réutilisation des eaux non conventionnelles

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