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dc.contributor.authorBenguedba, Mansour Sabri-
dc.description.abstractDue to the consequences of climate change, such as the marked decrease in rainfall and the decrease in groundwater levels, significant efforts are being undertaken to identify alternative water sources. The solutions envisaged include the desalination of seawater as well as the improvement of wastewater treatment methods for their reuse in the agricultural and industrial sectors. This work focuses on the complete diagnosis of the infrastructures of the Ben Yahi lagoon wastewater treatment plant (W. Mostaganem). The study proposes to design an extension to ensure the protection of the environment and public health, while guaranteeing properly treated water for its reuse.en_US
dc.subjectWastewater ; Treatment plant ; Diagnosis ; Extensionen_US
dc.titleonception de la station d'epuration des eaux usées de la ville de Ben Yahi (w. Mostaganem)en_US
Appears in Collections:Réutilisation des eaux non conventionnelles

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