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dc.contributor.authorHaddou, Benderbal Ilyes-
dc.description.abstractThis work focuses on the design of a wastewater treatment plant for the Beni Saf cement factory, aimed at reusing treated water and the sludge produced, contributing to sustainable resource management. The main challenge lies in managing industrial effluents, which are currently treated with septic tanks, along with water scarcity issues. The proposed solution involves designing a treatment plant tailored to the cement factory's specific needs. The study includes a bibliographical review on wastewater characteristics and cement production processes, followed by the sizing of treatment equipment: a double coagulation-flocculation reactor, a sand filter, and ultraviolet disinfection to ensure high-quality water. The total project cost is estimated at 20 millions dinars.en_US
dc.subjectWastewater Treatment Plant, Reuse, Industrial Wastewateren_US
dc.titleDimensionnement d`une STEP des eaux usées de la cimenterie de Beni Saf (w.Ain Temouchent) en vue d`une réutilisationen_US
Appears in Collections:Réutilisation des eaux non conventionnelles

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