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dc.contributor.authorHammoumi, Fatima Zohra-
dc.description.abstractThis thesis focuses on the potable water supply system of the new urban center in the northwestern area of the municipality of Maghnia, Tlemcen province, aiming to meet the growing needs of the inhabitants in the context of rapid urban growth. Therefore, it is essential to ensure adequate distribution of potable water. In this study, we first examined the hydraulic resources, the network, and the storage facilities of the study area. Then, we estimated the water needs until 2054 and compared these needs to the available resources. We then conducted a hydraulic and physical diagnosis of the existing storage tanks and supply network, starting from the treatment plant of the Hammam Boughrrara dam and buffer tank No. 2 of the transfer network from the Souk Tleta desalination station. This analysis led to the proposal to add pumps and surge tanks to improve the system. Additionally, we sized the distribution network for the new urban center to meet the drinking water needs until 2054en_US
dc.subjectNew urban center, drinking water supply system, reservoirs, pumps, flow rate, pressures.en_US
dc.titleEtude du système d'alimentation en eau potable de la zone Nord-Ouest de la commune de Maghnia (W. Tlemcen)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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