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dc.contributor.authorChaib, Nesrine-
dc.description.abstractDue to the severe Water crisis in the Wilaya of Algiers, our project aims to supply six municipalities in the eastern part of the Wilaya from the desalination plant located at El Marsa. This project aims to design a system for transferring water from the desalination plant to the storage reservoirs, including the sizing of reservoirs and pumping stations, protection of pipes against the water hammer, as well as the organization and planning of the project.en_US
dc.subjectWater crisis, Water transfer, Desalination plant, Storage reservoirs, Pumping stations, Pipe protection.en_US
dc.titleEtude du système d'adduction de la zone Est d'Alger à partir de la station de dessalement El-Marsa (w. Alger)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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