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dc.contributor.authorZouagui, Sonia-
dc.description.abstractIncreased consumption, the expansion of urban areas, and flow and pressure problems are having a negative impact on the drinking water supply. The aim of this study is to restructure the drinking water supply system in the communes of Birkhadem and Saoula (Campagne Semmar level), in order to improve water supply for the region's inhabitants. Based on the findings of the physical and hydraulic diagnosis of the current water supply system, we propose to rehabilitate the conveyance network and pumping system, while maintaining the storage facilities, and to restructure the distribution network by 2054.en_US
dc.subjectBirkhadem ; Saoula ; Restructure ; Diagnosis.en_US
dc.titleRestructuration du système d'alimentation en eau potable des communes de Birkhadem et Saoula (w. Alger)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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