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dc.contributor.authorDjaghloul, Abd Errahmane-
dc.description.abstractThe increase in temperatures and the decrease in precipitation observed in recent years have led to the overexploitation of the Mitidja aquifer, causing a drop in its piezometric level and seawater intrusion. This project aims to artificially recharge this aquifer through an infiltration basin in the city of Tabainet (Blida), using treated water from the Baraki wastewater treatment plant, transferred via a dedicated conveyance system. The study includes the sizing of the conveyance system, including reservoirs and pumping stations, as well as the implementation of protective measures for pipelines against the phenomenon of water hammer. Finally, a methodology for the project’s implementation, the means deployed for its execution, and a cost estimation is established.en_US
dc.subjectEaux traitees ; Station d'epuration ; Baraki (Alger) ; bassinsd'infiltration ; Tabainet (Blida)en_US
dc.titleDimensionnement du systeme de transfert des eaux traitees de la station d'epuration de Baraki (Alger) vers les bassinsd'infiltration de Tabainet (Blida)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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