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dc.contributor.authorDellys, Lynda-
dc.description.abstractAccess to drinking water is a major challenge for the municipality of Tazmalt, in the Bejaia province, due to the increase in its population and the demand for water. The city center and the three villages of Idheriken, Thinassouine Ivahlal, and Merlot 1-2-3 are particularly affected by this critical situation. Therefore, the development of a reliable and sustainable drinking water supply network is essential to meet the current and future needs of residents. The design of this project must take into account local particularities, such as geographical location, availability of water resources, and the management of hydraulic phenomena like water hammer, to ensure effective and safe water distribution. Finally, an approach for the project implementation is defined, along with the necessary means for its execution and an estimation of the associated costs.en_US
dc.subjectDrinking water supply, water resources, water hammer.en_US
dc.titleEtude de l'alimentation en eau potable du centre -ville et des trois villages (Idheriken, Thinassouine Ivahlal, Merlot 1-2-3) de la commune de Tazmalt (w. Bejaia)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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