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dc.contributor.authorMebarki, Mahdi-
dc.description.abstractGiven the water shortage problem faced by the municipality of Kherrata because of the lack of exploitable resources, this thesis addresses a study for a water supply system in the municipality of Kherrata East, sourced from the Ighil Emda dam (Bejaia province) as part of a reinforcement initiative. The water is transported by a mixed supply system. The sizing of pipes and reservoirs is based on estimating the future water needs of different localities. Regarding the water supply, a techno-economic study was selected, and pumps suitable for the studied system were chosen. Next, we conducted a study of the transitional regime aimed at preserving vulnerable pipelines. Finally, a comprehensive estimate of the project was carried outen_US
dc.subjectAdduction, pumps, pipelines, reservoirs, transient regimesen_US
dc.titleEtude du système d'adduction de la commune de Kherrata Est à partir du barrage d'Ighil Emda ( Bejaia)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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