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dc.contributor.authorDaoudi, Rawiya-
dc.description.abstractThe community of Aïn Sultan, located in the wilaya of Aïn Dafla, currently relies on a water supply system with a mixed-type distribution network, aimed at meeting household needs in terms of pressure, velocity and flow. However, this system is in a state of advanced deterioration, characterized by water leaks, mixing with wastewater, and frequent ruptures. The objective of this study is to rehabilitate this system by implementing a rigorous hydraulic design, capable of meeting the needs of the various categories of consumers expected in the future, both in terms of water quantity and the required pressure.en_US
dc.subjectDistribution network ; Pressure ; Flow ; Velocity.en_US
dc.titleEtude du système d'AEP de la commune d'Ain Soltane (w.Ain defla)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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