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Title: Etude d'aménagement hydro-agricole du périmètre Larmah (180ha) à partir d'un forage (Wilaya de Ouargla)
Authors: Gacem, Nassima
Keywords: Mémoire ; périmètre Larmah ; Ouargla ; Forage Larmah ; Aménagement hydro ; Agricole ; Zone saharienne
Issue Date: 2024
Series/Report no.: 2-0017-24;
Abstract: The main objective of this final dissertation is to define the management strategies for irrigated perimeters in order to design an efficient hydro-agricultural development of the Larmah perimeter (180ha), located in the wilaya of Ouargla, using the water resources from the Larmah borehole. This approach is based on a rigorous analysis of climatological, pedological, and agronomic data, enabling informed decisions on crop selection and water needs to establish an optimal water supply system. The adoption of modern irrigation techniques, such as drip irrigation in a Saharan region, aims to modernize the distribution system, improve crop yields, and ensure sustainable profitability for the development project
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1970
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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