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dc.contributor.authorTahar, Mebarka-
dc.description.abstractThis study's goal is to size an irrigation network that runs from the supply network to the distribution network and irrigates the perimeter -A- which has a surface of 300 ha using purified water from the Ain Zerrouk STEP in the Tebessa commune, wilaya of Tebessa. This falls under the framework of the value-adding of these waters, which lead to adhere to reuse guidelines and crop selection standards. The foundation of this project is an extensive examination of hydraulic, pedological, and climatological data, using EPANET software for hydraulic network modelingen_US
dc.subjectDrip irrigation, Sprinkler systems, Irrigation, wateren_US
dc.titleEtude perimetre d'irrigation de Tebessa secteur A (300 ha) a partir d'une STEP Wilaya de Tebessaen_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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