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dc.contributor.authorLaibi, Aya Anfal-
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of this thesis is the implementation of a new irrigation network in the middle Cheliff perimeter, Oued Sly sector, which is located in the Chlef province and covers an area of 160 hectares of cultivable land. This perimeter will be supplied with water from the Oum Drou dam. A global study of the climate, soil, and water resources has been conducted in the area where the project is to be implemented. This study has given us the opportunity to choose the crops to be grown in this area, and we have also calculated the water requirements and projected the most efficient irrigation techniques in order to achieve high agricultural yields in the short and medium term.en_US
dc.subjectIrrigation network ; Cultivable land ; Damen_US
dc.titleEtude d'extension du Périmètre du Moyen Cheliff Secteur E (160) à partir du barrage Oum Drou (W.Chlef)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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