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dc.contributor.authorKienou, Abdoul fatre-
dc.description.abstractThe deficit of hydrous in the arid zones is often replaced by irrigation of water with variously mineral-bearing. In our case a bibliographic study allows us to recess all the problems of salinity and there by also the methods to prevent the salinity. A pratical application has been caromed on the perimeter of high cheliff. High cheliff without drainage systems causes increase in salinity, especially the level of layers of soil are quiet thick and there by soil has less permeability. The recovery of sodium and saline soils, require a combinaison of chemical application ( example gysum ) and mechanical ( labour ) to avoid the wastage of time. If the adequate measure are not net during the process ( the dose of watering, drainage system, the follow-up of salinity and the preventive ones measurements and the salinity against the curative effective ones of fight ). The salinity of soils would deapalize with the future of the perimeter over.en_US
dc.subjectAménagement ; Procédés agro ; Salinité ; Solsen_US
dc.titleMéthodes d'aménagement et procédés agro techniques de la lutte contre la salinité des solsen_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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