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dc.contributor.authorHabitouche, Djaâfar-
dc.description.abstractAbstract The food of the tablecloth of Mitidja is primarily assured by water the Sahel like certain local tanks. Pluviometry being very irregular thus the food is in the majority of the cases lower than what is tapped tablecloth (deficit between the entries and the exits), especially during the two last decades of dryness. Our study consists in determining the volumes of water pumped in the tablecloth of the perimeter of Mitidja. To illustrate this approach and to allow the evaluation of subterranean water consumption on a farm scale and of given on site to have possible the reality of the taking away. Carried out work is an investigation near the farmers. This work returns within the framework of an international project project “SIRMA”, this last is a project which is at its fifth year on the irrigated perimeter of Western Mitidja slices 1 (commune of Mouzaia). Corrective measures are necessary in the future to achieve the goals laid down by the State, in order to better develop water, and that through the studies of projects, control and regular follow-up on the level of the subsidized exploitationsen_US
dc.subjectPerimeter ; Mitidja ; Pumping of subsoil waters, Drillings ; Pumpeden_US
dc.titleEstimation des volumes d'eaux d'irrigation pompes dans la nappe de la Mitidja tranche I au niveau de la commune de Mouzaia (w. Blida)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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