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Title: Conditions d'utilisation des eaux usées traitées dans le domaine d'irrigation : Cas du lac de Réghaïa (w. Alger)
Authors: Saadaoi, Ahmed
Keywords: Eaux usées ; Irrigation ; Réghaïa
Issue Date: 2008
Series/Report no.: 2-0002-08;
Abstract: Algeria, in spite of efforts agrée in protective matters of the environment knows a deterioration import her naturel resources. The results of the physico-chemical parametres of the waters of Reghaia lake (pH ,T25°,MES,DBO5 ,DCO ,NH4+…) show that the majority are acceptable and are inferior to norms fixed by the World organisation of healh relative to the waters of surface, and respect also the norms of reuse of the wastewater in the agricultural sector. Currently, these waters are used for the irrigation of parcels destined to the market culture production and for arboricultures ( citrus fruits mainly).
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1928
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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