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dc.contributor.authorBayah, Habiba-
dc.description.abstractThe objective of our work consists in working out the curves Height-Duration - Frequency of the rains of the area of Mitidja Centre by two methods of calculating of the rains maximum day labourers and this in ordre to choose the method which provided us a flow acceptable for the dimensioning of a network of the drainage. The examination of the various values of rains obtained from various stations is very important to define as a preliminary especially in the field of the drainage because the maximum rains day labourers are not entered same manner as in hydrology.en_US
dc.subjectCourbes hauteurs ; Mitidja ; Drainage agricoleen_US
dc.titleContribution à l'élaboration des courbes hauteurs durée fréquence des pluies de la Mitidja Centre en vue de l'étude du drainage agricoleen_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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