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Title: Contribution a l'étude d'infiltration du lixiviat du centre d'enfouissement technique de Soumaa (Blida) et son impact sur l'environnement Hydro-Agricole
Authors: Merar, Sofiane
Keywords: Infiltration ; lixiviat ; Soumaa ; Hydro-Agricole
Issue Date: 2010
Series/Report no.: 2-0024-10;
Abstract: Fate and impacts of mineral pollution stemming from the technical landfill center of Soumaa (Blida) and the influence of his presence in the natural environment are still badly known. This influence was examined here through a study of the lixiviates infiltration in two soils located near the waste storage locker. The main objective of this work was:  on one hand, the study of the physico-chemical evolution of soils;  on the other hand, define the role of soil on the behavior of metallic pollutants, and their contribution to the contamination and the degradation of the soil-water environment; The obtained results show an important modification of soil’s properties, and a variable retention in trace metal elements (ETM), there is a high interaction with the arsenic and the chromium, while iron, lead and copper are less fixed. On the other hand the zinc and the manganese are leached with a rate more raised for Zn.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1919
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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