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dc.contributor.authorMenad, Mohamed Amine-
dc.description.abstractKnowledge of soil hydraulic properties is needed to model the flow of water and solutes in soils. The prediction of these properties is generally done through pedotransfer functions, depending on soil characteristics such as particle size, organic C content and bulk density. Simulation or estimation of these parameters by the software Vados helped to highlight the model or pedotransfer function adopted has the best experimental resultsen_US
dc.subjectParamétrés ; Pedotransfert ; logiciel " VADOSE "en_US
dc.titleDetermination des parametres intervenant dans les fonctions de pedotransfert de deux(02) types de sols a l'aide du logiciel " VADOSE "en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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