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Title: L'Evolution de la salinité dans les eaux souterraines du moyen Cheliff
Authors: Letireg, Hamza
Keywords: Eaux souterraines ; Cheliff ; Salinité
Issue Date: 2010
Series/Report no.: 2-0016-10;
Abstract: The plain Medium Cheliff currently has relatively limited water resources In recent years, a booming economy, particularly agriculture, has occurred, which caused, firstly, the increasing need for water and caused the other hand, degradation of water quality underground. The choice of this line of research has been guided by the desire to better understand the operating mechanisms of this aquifer, hydrodynamic and physico-chemical and its influence on salinity of water. After analyzing the current situation of the water and its environment, a program Action has been designed to conduct a follow-up variations, depending on the lithology and climatic factors. We were able to study the evolution of parameters physicochemical during two campaigns (april 2008 and October 2008). The processing and data representation have called for the use of modern tools: cartography The interpretation of these data revealed the following: - The water medium Cheliff consists of alluvial sand, sandstone . - The chemical quality of water is poor, resulting in a high salinity influenced by the lithology of the aquifer and climatic factors (precipitation and temperature).
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1908
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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