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dc.contributor.authorLaroui, Abdelhak-
dc.description.abstractThe study undertaken within the framework of this memory, represents a contribution to the study of the agricultural drainage of the palm plantations located in the zone of TIMOKTEN.. The problem of the increase of water of the tablecloth is very significant and severe, the level of this tablecloth per place east with less than 30 cm if not less surface of the ground, which entraine of serious effects on the agronomic level and the same of waters subterranean. This work with for objective reduced the percentage of salinization and subtraction the water coming from the Leaching of soil and this by comparing the current situation with that which should be it theoretically.en_US
dc.subjectRéseaux de drainage ; Palmeraie ; Timokten ; Adraren_US
dc.titleEtude d'aménagement des réseaux de drainage de la palmeraie de Timokten (w. Adrar)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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