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dc.contributor.authorKhoums, Hicham-
dc.description.abstractGroundwater is the main supplier of Algeria to meet the water needs, since many years, the rapid reconstruction and increased industrial and agricultural activities have led to , the cause of the contamination and degradation of these qualitative limited resources and have exacerbated this situation because of persistent drought. We are committed to this subject in the mapping of polluted groundwater for easy use of the system of Mitidja West Geoinformatics to learn more about the pollution problem, as we see the impact of precipitation and the groundwater level in the evolution of nitrate concentrationen_US
dc.subjectNitrates ; Eaux SOUTERRAINES ; MITIDJA ;en_US
dc.titleContribution a l'étude de l'évolution du niveau des nitrates dans les eaux SOUTERRAINES DE LA NAPPE DE LA MITIDJA OUESTen_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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