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dc.contributor.authorKhobeizi, Mustapha-
dc.description.abstractWe have studied in this memorandum the use of a water source is dame of Ain Zada and irrigation systems for an exploitation of agricultural area within the mandate of the Mahdia region (Staif). Between the study of source water and study the area of farming we had to also stop for a study of several other stations are as follows: The pumping station is attracting water from the source and pay about basin storage. Water pipeline from the dam to agricultural area. Basin storage, which allows for a reduction the work puissance of the pumping station as well as pressure control systems used to irrigation. Determine the dimensions of a network irrigation system watering. Study of soil (physical and chemical characteristics). All of this, in order to give an economic exploitation of water resources and cost-effectiveness of high agricultural production.en_US
dc.subjectPérimètre ; Mahdia ; Setif ; Irrigationen_US
dc.titleContribution à l'exploitation du périmètre de Mahdia (w. Setif) par un système d'irrigationen_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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