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dc.contributor.authorBoudhane, Anis-
dc.description.abstractThe management of a drinking water supply network is generally confronted with several difficulties, namely the lack of information which concerns the network as well as its diversity, for that, it is essential to use a tool of assistance to the decision. The objective of our research is mainly the development of a geographical information system for the management of the drinking water supply network of the commune El-Idrissia by realizing a database of the network. At this stage, we can see that GIS is a support and a referenced tool that is used to manage the drinking water supply networks.en_US
dc.subjectEau potable. SIG. Gestion. POS 14. El Idrissia. Algérieen_US
dc.subjectwater distribution network. GIS. Management. POS 14. El Idrissia. Algeria.en_US
dc.titleUtilisation du système d'information géographique pour la gestion du réseau d'AEP du POS 14 de la commune d'el Idrissia.en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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