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Title: Impact du changement du foncier et des assolements sur le réseau d'irrigation collectif d’un périmètre de la Mitidja Ouest (tranche II)
Authors: Ben Abd Elkader, Abdelaziz
Keywords: Réseau d'irrigation ; Périmètre ; Mitidja
Issue Date: 2010
Series/Report no.: 2-0005-10;
Abstract: The design of irrigation systems is based on the parcel cutting class of the perimeter and on the water needs of crops to be implemented under different crop rotations. After some years of operation of these networks there may be changes in land and crop rotations. The aim of our work is to study the impacts of changes described above ou, the irrigation groupne twork. This project is firstly to prepare a report summarizing the data base (parcel cutting and water need for crops, etc ....) for which the network was designed. And secondly to make a field survey to establish the new crop rotations implemented and thus to estimate the water needs of current crops, as well as the updating of the parcel cutting. And finally, to study the impact of these changes on the hydraulic operation, the boundary plan of the existing irrigation system, and ou the water resources mobilized for this perimeter to make appropriate recommendations.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1895
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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