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dc.contributor.authorBencherit, Nadji-
dc.description.abstractThe realization of this study is based on the fact that agriculture is fundamental and remains one of the most important objectives in the Algerian economy. In order to have an assistance tool to decision making for water resource preservation and for sustainable development, we used sensitivity indexing method of water intended to the irrigation in high Chélif plain. It is based in the determination of various chemical parameters as the SAR, the electric conductivity and nitrates. It is associated with a hydrochemical study of alluvial water of the High Chélif plain. This study was made while being based on the cartography (assisted by the SIG) of these parameters in order to be able to delimit the vulnerable zones and to carry out an objective classification of water quality used for the irrigation of the agricultural land in the zone of study.en_US
dc.subjectHigh Chélif ; water quality ; irrigation ; cartographyen_US
dc.titleApplication d'une méthode d'indexation de la sensibilité des eaux déstinées a l'irrigation et son impact sur l'évaluation des besoins en eau des cultures (cas du Haut Cheliff).en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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