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dc.contributor.authorBaghdadi, Nafaa-
dc.description.abstractThis survey aims to define the possibility of reuse of the wastewater purified by the station of purification of TIPAZA. Both in the agricultural sector. We have been brought to count the potential users suited in the immediate and more faraway neighborhood if the station, and to determine the quality of purified wastewater in order to compare it with waters required by the different sectors. This wastewater can be reused an especially in the agricultural sectoren_US
dc.subjectEaux usées épurées ; Irrigation ; Step ; Tipazaen_US
dc.titleApproche méthodologique de la valorisation des eaux usées épurées dans l'irrigation (cas de Step de Tipaza)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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