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dc.contributor.authorMokhtar, Samir-
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of this report is to make a report on the current state of the chemical quality of waters of Mitidja East and bay of Algiers. To do it, we defined, first of all, contexts: geomorphologic, hydroclimatological, geologic and hydro geologic of the region of study. Afterward, for a good estimation of the water pollution, a hydro chemical study was realized. Then,. From this estimation, we established cards (maps) of chemical fancie of waters by using Map info as well as a geographical information system (S.I.G). In conclusion, this work allowed us to bring to light the evolution of the chimisme of the water of the region of study and the type of pollution of in the refusals of the industry, the agriculture and the increasing urbanization which saturate the capacities of autopurge of oueds and superficial coats of an aquifer.en_US
dc.subjectEaux soutérraines ; Perimètres ; Mitidja ;en_US
dc.titleEtude de la vulnérabilite des eaux soutérraines aux fertilisants par la méthode prast. (cas des perimètres irrigué de la mitidja ESTen_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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