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dc.contributor.authorSaidi, Hakim-
dc.description.abstractOur study comes up to address the problems of Hadjout pumping station to provide for the rehabilitation of the latter. Then it spreads to achieve the objectives set in advance on three essential and interrelated steps. The first part is concerned, in fact, the study of the current state of the station, surveys and observations, design of structures. Second, it is to give the modes and methods of rehabilitation of all damaged which includes the operating mode of this resort to reducing energy consumption is what this game on the variablespeed fluid flow. In the end we are interested in the security environment in the station.en_US
dc.subjectDiagnostic ; Station de pompage ; Hadjouten_US
dc.titleEtude diagnostic de la station de pompage de Hadjouten_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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