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dc.contributor.authorAbid, Mohamed Amine-
dc.description.abstractOur country is facing many challenges. Climate change, unpredictable rainfall, high evaporation rates from surface water and high losses in water distribution networks, as well as the lack of alternative ways to manage water resources. Rooftop rainwater harvesting is one such approach. This option, which is marketed as a means of alleviating water shortages, is widely approved for use in pre-defined rainwater harvesting areas around the world. In Algeria, the application of a derisory price per m3 of water compared to its cost price discourages the expansion of the use of this solution. In the latter case, recovery becomes a viable option by setting the appropriate price for water or by offering financial incentives to encourage residents to use it. Recent studies have considered a monthly reserve balance in defining areas of water use, such as irrigation and sanitary uses.en_US
dc.subjectChangement climatique. Eaux de pluie. Eaux de toitures.en_US
dc.subjectClimate change. rainwater. Roof water.en_US
dc.titleRecherche bibliographique sur les systèmes de récupération d'eaux de toitures.en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'A.E.P

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