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dc.contributor.authorOucherif, Kaissa-
dc.description.abstractOur projects consist of an elaborate irrigation system that is going to fitter and distribute water For this we have clone a comparative study out of the quality off filtered water of STEP with the required names. These results have permitted us to carry out on examination after wish we managed to estimate the water needs of in our zone of study and also condition in which we must establish our mixed water conveyance (reverse Ŕgravity).en_US
dc.subjectRéutilisation ; Eaux épurées ; STEP ; Bougie ; Tizi Ouzouen_US
dc.titleRéutilisation des eaux épurées de la STEP du pont de Bougie de La wilaya de Tizi Ouzouen_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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