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dc.contributor.authorLebbad, Lebbad-
dc.description.abstractThe field of agriculture requires huge amounts of irrigation water, for that we need to ensure the different techniques. So we have to look for resources that help to preserve reserves for future generations. This work deals with one of these resources, which is the reuse of drainage water of "Oued Righ." These waters, which are characterized by a high salinity, which is mixed with sewage, as this memory comprises a method in the treatment of these waters by using the technique "Reverse Osmosis" after pretreatment, and a technical-economic study of this treatment.en_US
dc.subjectDrainage ; Oued Righ ; Oued Soufen_US
dc.titleLa réutilisation des eaux de drainage à des fins agricoles de la vallée de Oued Righ (Oued Souf)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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