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dc.contributor.authorGhodbane, Abd el Ali-
dc.description.abstractIn Our country, ground water, are in many cases, the main resource for drinking water Pollution phenomena whose origin is the intensification of human activities, are a constant risk of dégradation of This resource already in short supply. This study focuses on the application of a method of approach to vulnerability of groundwater in the alluvial aquifer of the Lower Isser. The method PRAST, simplified version of the DRASTIC method. , Developed in 1987 in the United States by the NWWA (Natural Water Well Association) Different cultures have been inventoried and we calculated the water needs for irrigation of each of them. In parallel we quantified the amount of leaching of soil maintenance of the alluvial aquifer of the Lower Isser. Finally in the fight against salinity, we hitched a defining areas for washing and appropriate methodology to identify the means to the criterion of hydro-morph is not increased by a term soil salinization and quantify the water requirements needed for leaching.en_US
dc.subjectRéseau du drainage ; Fertilisants ; Isser ; Boumerdes)en_US
dc.titleL'Impact d'un réseau du drainage sur le transfert des éléments fertilisants vers la nappe Bas Isser (w. Boumerdes)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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