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dc.contributor.authorKhenter, Karima-
dc.description.abstractThe rapid urbanization of cities radically changes the evolution of urban infrastructure and generates enormous challenges in sanitation. This change must be accompanied by a process of rehabilitation or renewal of sewerage networks. In this perspective, this study is to provide some information on the inventory of the sewerage network in the city of Mila to implement a policy of decision support for its renewal. The methodology used was a descriptive survey of the sewer system of the city, an expert of the same network including newly urbanized areas and an establishment of a functional reorganization plan of the area of studyen_US
dc.subjectAssainissement, Diagnostic, Réhabilitation, Milaen_US
dc.titleDiagnostic et réhabilitation du réseau d'assainissement de la ville de Mila (w. Mila )en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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