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dc.contributor.authorBenmessahel, Merouane-
dc.description.abstractIn Algeria subterranean waters are the main source of satisfaction of the request in water. Since tens years, the fast urbanization as well as the extensive agricultural increase of the industrial activities and the practices entailed a deterioration of the quality of this resource, already in quantity limited. This situation aggravated by a persistent drought. Consequently it is imperative to act in the sense of its protection and its conservation by the adoption of a preventive approach by the mapping of the vulnerability. Therefore, our choice concerned to the methods the most used, the cartography cannot give good results without a hydrological study, lithologic and hydrogeologic detailed of the region ofen_US
dc.subjectFertilisants ; Phytosanitaire ; Eaux soutérraines ; Réseau de drainage ; Mitidjaen_US
dc.titleEtude du transfert des élements fertilisants et phytosanitaires vers les eaux souterraines et l'impact d'un réseau de drainage sur leurs circulation (Cas de la Mitidja Centre et Ouest)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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