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dc.contributor.authorAboubi, Nabil-
dc.description.abstractThe floods arenatural phenomenon that seriously threatthe perimeters of irrigation, in this context we have studied with with the aim of ensuring the plain of Ben chaabane(wilayaof Blida) against floods. The floods discharges have been estimated by combining two methods the SCS-CN AND the synthetic hydrogaph.Hence the design of a channel for the evacuation of the stormwater, this design is based on data taken from the ground of thestudied areaen_US
dc.subjectDébits de crues ; Bassins versants ; Mitidjaen_US
dc.titleEstimation des débits de crues des bassins versants ruraux en vu du dimensionnement des canaux de ceinture : Application à la Mitidja Centreen_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Irrigation et de Drainage

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