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dc.contributor.authorAsri, Abir-
dc.description.abstractWork studies the river Sidi El-Kebir located at the northern foot of the Atlas Blida and south of the plain of Mitija, our purpose is the development of this river for protection against flooding. The study start by the determination of climatic and morphologic characteristics and those of the basin ,which are essential for a hydrological study ,which aims to predict the maximum rainfall of the study area .Then we proceed to the transformation of net rain to flow to determine the central flood flow. The diagnoses of the terrain, and simulating hydraulic operation to the natural state of water sheds, have allowed us to identify anomalies and assess vulnerability and determination of the various hydraulic and geometric parameters of the flow. According to the manual of this diagnostic we propose technical and economical solutions in order to retain the best and most adequate. Finally the variant adopted is discussed in detail with the determination of cost and period of project implementationen_US
dc.subjectAssainissement, Aménagement , Oued Sidi el Kbir , Blidaen_US
dc.titleAménagement de l'oued Sidi el Kbir (w. Blida)en_US
Appears in Collections:Conception des Systèmes d'Assainissement

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